Aegis International

Security Expertise for Everyone

your SB 553 compliance.

Our expertise in security threats and hazards identification makes us the premier choice for small businesses to help comply with California Senate Bill 553. Allow us to guide you through all the requirements and recommendations stemming from the Workplace Violence Prevention Plan law enactment.

Welcome to Aegis International, LLC

Physical Security assessment and prevention programs.

Aegis International, LLC is a leading security consulting firm based in Irvine, CA. We specializing in physical security training programs and emergency preparedness for small businesses and individuals.

California Senate Bill 553 (SB 553)

Our team of experts brings unparalleled knowledge and experience in workplace violence prevention, hazards identification, and compliance with California Senate Bill 553 to ensure the safety and security of your business.

Protect your employees

Let us guide you through the process of implementing effective security measures and training programs to protect your workplace and employees.

Our Services

  • SB 553 Compliance

    Workplace Violence Prevention Planning (WVPP)

    Workplace Violence Prevention Training (WVPT)

  • Security Assessments

    Physical Security Assessment Consulting

    Hazards Identification and Evaluation Programs

  • Emergency Planning

    Emergency Response Planning

    Incident Response Planning

Enhance Your Security Preparation with Aegis International, LLC.

Speak with our security experts now to see how Aegis International can help your business.